Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question about the Chamber? Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about what we do. If you still have a question, please contact us directly.
The Chamber is a non-profit organization with approximately 800 businesses and individual members working together to make Terre Haute a better place to live, work and do business.
The chamber is governed by a board of directors comprised of local business and community leaders.
We hold a variety of engagement opportunities throughout the year, including seminars, an annual golf outing and more. Each year, the membership gathers at the annual meeting to network and celebrate. The best place to find information about upcoming events is through weekly emails or throughout our website here.
Your chamber membership benefits everyone if your company from support staff to corporate officers. Participation is not limited to designated contact persons – anyone with an interest is encouraged to get involved. Members are also encouraged to bring guests or potential members with them to chamber functions.
Although the chamber works in conjunction with elected officials, the chamber is not directly affiliated with any government agency. The chamber is a private, non-profit organization funded solely through member investment.
A list of our committees is available on our website. Take a look, find something that interests you and contact us to get involved.
Any business, corporation, partnership, organization or individual committed to building business and building community throughout the west central indiana region (including counties in illinois) is eligible for membership.
The chamber is funded primarily through the investment of its members, with some additional support from grants and other community partners.
We offer many ways you can promote your business to fellow business leaders, including event sponsorship, printed membership directory ads and online promotion. Contact us for a complete list.
While we have a robust advocacy committee, we do not typically support specific candidates. Our focus is educating our members, and the general public, to make their own decisions.
Membership dues are paid annually and vary based on the type of business and number of employees. For a small business with less than 10 employees, your dues will be less than $400 per year.
Ready to Join?
We believe in preserving, promoting and protecting a business-friendly environment, free of obstacles to growth and progress.